Wednesday, February 21, 2018

5 Min. Homemade Sugar Lip Scrub

I am a lip picker.  I admit it.  I can't help it.  It drives me crazy when there is dry, flaky skin on my lips.  Well, now my daughters are following in my lip picking foot steps.  Monkey see, monkey do!

I almost bought a lip scrub the other day, thinking maybe a good lip exfoliation would help us.  I almost paid about $12 for one I thought was probably the most non-toxic out of all available at the store.
Then, I thought, I bet it is super easy and less expensive...not to mention a lot less toxic, for us to make this at home.
Now, don't get me wrong, I will gladly pay more for a some good, down-to-earth, organic body care products that I know work, but this just seemed too simple to not be able to recreate at home for a fraction of the cost.

Well, I couldn't have been more right.

I whipped this recipe together in literally 5 min today with ingredients I had at home.

It is easy to make, inexpensive, effective, and most importantly, contains no harmful chemicals that could potentially harm my family.  I mean, they are kids, I put money on the fact that they are going to lick their lips either when they have this on, or as soon as I wash it off.  Well, they can lick away, because everything in this recipe is safe for their sweet, little bodies.

Okay, so here it goes.

This is all you need.  For real.

2 TBS of White Cane Sugar (I used cane sugar because it is a little more coarse than conventional white sugar that I feel gives it better exfoliating properties, but regular white sugar will be fine as well)
2 TBS Brown Sugar
2 TBS of a good quality Coconut Oil ( I used Wildtree Organic Coconut Oil - It can be purchased here if you are interested  *
1/4 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
10 drops of a good quality, pure Peppermint Essential Oil ( I used NYR Organics Peppermint EO, as I trust the brand and know it is 3rd party certified pure EO and it comes at a great price- It can be purchased here if you are interested  *

Combine all ingredients in a sealable jar

That. is. it.   How ridiculously easy was that.

I transferred some of mine into little containers and labeled one for each of my little ladies and one for me.   I stored the rest in the sealable jar I mixed it.

I hope you enjoy this little DIY recipe.

Treat your family to a little non-toxic pampering

Because you are their hero, and they are looking to you to keep them safe.

There is beauty in simplicity 💙

Join my Facebook VIP group Organically Beautiful with NYR  for more beauty tips and specials on NYR products.

* I may receive a small commission from any purchases made via inserted business links ;)

Monday, February 12, 2018

Maybe it's the Move from the City....

Maybe it's the move from city life to the beautiful open spaces of the country, where wildlife is abundant and nature blooms in all directions, or maybe it's the progression from an organic, clean-eating lifestyle to the addition and research of organic skin care, or maybe its a mix of those and an increased awareness of toxic chemicals, that's triggered an intense need within me to start to detox and simplify our lives and basically start to live a more simple, non-toxic, fewer chemicals, organic kind of life.

We decided we will work towards creating a more simplistic life by embracing the true wonders this Earth has to offer by using or creating safe household and beauty products, enjoying wonderful organic garden-fresh recipes, and getting the kids involved with kid-friendly useful projects, and in return we will feed our planet by gardening and composting, providing habitats for wildlife, birds and bees, and using safer ingredients that won't harm the Earth.

Our family encourages you and yours to follow along with us on this journey and to join in with us anyway you can or choose.

We will be bringing you:

  • Organic gardening and container gardening ideas and tips
  • Garden-fresh recipes
  • DIY health and beauty recipes
  • DIY household recipes
  • Bee-friendly projects
  • Healthy family Tips
  • Kid-friendly projects
  • Safe, organic and effective product recommendations
  • And, I'm sure, Much, Much More!
There is real beauty in simplicity.  Simple ingredients, simple products, simple meals, simple living.

Feel free to share your personal journey, ideas, tips, etc. with us, we would love to hear from you!

The Merten Family
Organically Beautiful Living

Join my Organically Beautiful fan club - Organically Beautiful with NYR - Kelly Merten

5 Min. Homemade Sugar Lip Scrub

I am a lip picker.  I admit it.  I can't help it.  It drives me crazy when there is dry, flaky skin on my lips.  Well, now my da...