I almost bought a lip scrub the other day, thinking maybe a good lip exfoliation would help us. I almost paid about $12 for one I thought was probably the most non-toxic out of all available at the store.
Then, I thought, I bet it is super easy and less expensive...not to mention a lot less toxic, for us to make this at home.
Now, don't get me wrong, I will gladly pay more for a some good, down-to-earth, organic body care products that I know work, but this just seemed too simple to not be able to recreate at home for a fraction of the cost.
Well, I couldn't have been more right.
I whipped this recipe together in literally 5 min today with ingredients I had at home.
It is easy to make, inexpensive, effective, and most importantly, contains no harmful chemicals that could potentially harm my family. I mean, they are kids, I put money on the fact that they are going to lick their lips either when they have this on, or as soon as I wash it off. Well, they can lick away, because everything in this recipe is safe for their sweet, little bodies.
Okay, so here it goes.
This is all you need. For real.
2 TBS of White Cane Sugar (I used cane sugar because it is a little more coarse than conventional white sugar that I feel gives it better exfoliating properties, but regular white sugar will be fine as well)
2 TBS Brown Sugar2 TBS of a good quality Coconut Oil ( I used Wildtree Organic Coconut Oil - It can be purchased here if you are interested www.mywildtree.com/kellysorganiclife *
1/4 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
10 drops of a good quality, pure Peppermint Essential Oil ( I used NYR Organics Peppermint EO, as I trust the brand and know it is 3rd party certified pure EO and it comes at a great price- It can be purchased here if you are interested www.us.nyrorganic.com/shop/kellymerten *
Combine all ingredients in a sealable jar
That. is. it. How ridiculously easy was that.
I hope you enjoy this little DIY recipe.
Treat your family to a little non-toxic pampering
Because you are their hero, and they are looking to you to keep them safe.
There is beauty in simplicity 💙
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* I may receive a small commission from any purchases made via inserted business links ;)